Friday, May 22, 2009


Proper nutrition is the key to any weight loss mission. The exercise is very important as well. The exercise will keep your heart strong (hey-it's the most important muscle in the body), the strength training will tone the muscles, help regulate blood sugar and increase your overall resting metabolic rate. It's the FOOD that is the most commonly overlooked factor in a weight loss strategy.

Food is very seductive. While we NEED food to nourish and replenish our bodies after a hard workout, a lot of us USE food. We us it to make us feel better after a hard day or to celebrate any and every occasion under the sun.

Today, I am asking you to stop and think about how food affects you. Do you let it control you? Do you fall prey to the instant gratification? What would happen if, for one day, you stuck to a clean eating plan even if you were "having a food day at work", "celebrating a co-worker's birthday", or "at a baby shower". How would you feel if you left that event having stuck to a good nutritional plan?

Monday, May 18, 2009


Check out the above link from

What you'll find is that a lot of salads that you order at your favorite restaurants have more fat than the entrees you were avoiding for the purpose of eating healthier. Your best options to keep the calories down: order light dressing on the side and dip your fork in it. The following are common salad ingredients that are higher in fat, not necessarily bad for you, but drive your total calorie count up quickly. Consider adding only one of these ingredients, skipping it, or asking for it on the side:

Avocados (heart healthy fat, a good one to keep!)
Any battered and fried meat (ask for GRILLED chicken or shrimp)
Black olives
Full fat salad dressings (some have as much fat as you should eat in a DAY!)
Taco salad shells
Beef taco meat

My favorite salad to order when eating out is the Fiesta Pollo Salad at Red Robin, I skip the cheese and do the dressing on the side. (It's not that the cheese is SO bad for you, but by cutting it, and having the dressing on the side, I'm confident that I'm saving at least 20 grams of fat).

Other healthy options that you might consider when dining out:

Grilled, baked, or broiled boneless, skinless chicken breast, turkey breast, shrimp, fish or scallops (ask for no sauce or a tomato based sauce)
Grilled veggies (ask for no fat added to the veggies)
Baked potato (easy on the condiments)
If you LOVE dessert, consider skipping the starchy carb with your dinner (such as bread, potato, pasta) and share and savor a few bites of your favorite dessert with a friend!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We're setting new goals for SGPT this session!

Strength: How many more push ups will you be able to do by the first week of July? Plan on doing them in every workout w/SGPT and on Fridays on your own!
Cardio: How fast will your mile be? Plan out your cardio days, when will you do them? Where? With whom?
Nutrition: Are you meeting the daily requirements of 2 fruits , 3 vegetables , 3 dairy, and a serving of lean protein and a whole grain with every meal? Plan a grocery list, get to the store, keep fresh fruit on your counter where you can see it. Clean out your cupboards, get rid of the pre-packaged junk that sabotages you when your guard is down.
Flexibility: Are you stretching everyday? Start a routine, when does it work best for you to stretch? You have to make time. You have a sit and reach test coming up at the beginning of July!

Setting simple goals and setting a deadline are key in adherence. We all have days when we just don't feel like going to the gym. Think of the satisfaction you feel once you submitted to the workout. Find your zone and train hard! You'll soon start to crave the endorphins you feel after a good hard workout session.

Pay attention to your self talk. Do you encourage yourself? Do you surround yourself with people who encourage you? Find a workout buddy that will encourage you and then reciprocate.

Last but not least, challenge yourself! Don't just pick the easy stuff! Do you find yourself ducking out of your stretching routine? Commit to 5 minutes a day no matter what! Your opportunity to improve your sit and reach test is NOW!

Monday, May 4, 2009


One more week before my new Small Group Personal Training Session starts at The Principal!

This next session promises to be a challenging, but fun one. We'll be continuing to work on Tabata Training, and challenge our personal fitness goals.

As for my last nutrition blog, it's working! Only three weeks until my boating trip! It's good to have goals and support. Derrick, my hubby, is on board with his nutrition too, which is helpful.

We all know what we should be eating, it's just a matter of getting to the store and getting the fresh produce, and lean protein choices. (Then, we actually have to prepare by packing it!) I am loving my new lunch tote, it's the size of a large shoulder bag. I've pre-packed it with things like Balance Bare Bars (love the sweet and salty yogurt nut flavor), Kashi Go Lean Cereal baggies, Southbeach High Protein Cereal Bars, Almonds (just toss in an apple for a completely healthy snack). Then, I make a sandwich or wrap, throw in a baggie of veggies and a piece of fruit, and I'm set for the day. Rule of thumb: KEEP IT SIMPLE!