Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Terri's First Blog

Well, here it is! My first blog. That's right, I have stepped out of the stone ages and leapt forth onto new horizons. Most of you who know me, know that I am not technically savvy. If I had it my way, I'd spend all of my energy in the gym pushing for that final rep. However; my friend, client, and IT guru, Jeanette, is always by my side encouraging me to embrace my inner technological spirit. So, bare with me as I learn more about blogging and finding new paths to encourage my clients on their pathes to fitness!

I hope to add a few pictures of exercises on a regular basis using the slide show setting. Then I'll add a poll (as soon as I figure out how to add it) to see how to adapt my blog to your needs. Be honest, it's the best way to inspire improvement!