Tuesday, May 6, 2014

ITC Loves HIIT Training

If you're looking for more fitness bang for your buck and you like variety, consider interval training. While interval training isn't really new to the fitness industry, HIIT Training is relatively new in the fitness world. According to ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal's November 2014 issue, high intensity interval training (HIIT Training) is at the top of the list when it comes to fitness trends. In my opinion, this "trend" is here to stay.

HIIT training consists of short bouts of intense exercise effort, followed by a recovery time equal to half the work time. For example, a person might work at a high intensity effort for 30 seconds, then recover for 15 seconds for one or several sets.

Reasons ITC Loves HIIT Training

  •  I use HIIT Training primarily in Small Group Training environments because I find that people work hard in synergistic groups AND enjoy that hard work together as a TEAM. Even the most physically challenge participant of any given group will tell you that they are inspired to work harder than they would on their own.
  • It increases all around health and fitness levels quickly-In an article published by Club Business International, Brian Sutton, director of content development for the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), explains that the recognized benefits of HIIT workouts include increased insulin sensitivity, decreased blood pressure, improved blood lipids, increased metabolic resting rate and improved heart and lung functioning. (Suffin, p. 25)
  • It's adaptable-You can use it on any piece of cardio equipment: treadmills, elliptical, steppers, bikes, body weight, jump rope, etc..
  • It's time efficient. Just a few small bouts of interval work can impact one's fitness level. 
  • It adds a huge focus factor-HIIT Training makes the time fly by. Most participants become so focused on the interval times and keeping controlled form, that they're surprised to see they've reached the end of their workout time.
  • It can be used by all fitness levels. Beginners should always start off with a more moderate intensity effort, shorter bouts, using the appropriate modality and with the appropriate level of progression. Visit with an ITC fit pro before starting this or any other exercise program. 
  • It helps you burn more calories at rest-HIIT  has been shown to increase excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), helping to preserve muscle mass during weight loss, and improving anaerobic fitness. (Suffin, p. 25).
  • It adds a higher level of challenge-As opposed to steady state cardio conditioning. Interval training breaks up a monotonous workout and challenges participants to push past their comfort zones. This contributes to a higher level of achievement, giving the exerciser a higher level of satisfaction with their workout.
  • It adds a level of competition-Whether participants are having a friendly competition with other participants or just out to beat their own personal best, interval training simply makes workouts more engaging.
Safety Tips:
  • The key to safely and effectively integrating HIIT Training into your fitness program is progression. Adding speed and/or power to any movement can exacerbate a compensatory pattern. In other words, adding speed to poor form is a recipe for an injury. So, focus on form first and foremost before advancing. 
  • Remember to integrate this type of training with just a few short bouts in the beginning. Make sure that your body is adapting in a positive way to the training.
  •  HIIT training can be done on non-weight bearing machines, such as a recumbent bike, in order to reap the cardiovascular benefits with less strain on the knee, ankle and hip joints.
  •  I recommend limiting HIIT Training to 2-3 times per week. 
  • You should also include at least one weekly twenty to forty minute steady state cardiovascular workout on the bike, elliptical or treadmill. In considering a rate of perceived exertion (RPE) on a scale of 1-10, ten being extremely difficult, a steady state workout would be approximately a 6 or a seven. By incorporating both HIIT Training and steady state cardiovascular training, you are conditioning your body for both endurance and speed.

For a versatile HIIT workout, click here. If you're a beginner exerciser, remember to start off slowly and build your effort level weekly.

Suffin, Jean. "It's an Industry HIIT!" Club Business International, February 2014: p. 25

Friday, June 26, 2009


What drives you to push harder through your workouts?

One obvious answer is: "You, Terri!....that IS your job!" True. It is my job to push you to do one more rep, one more set, or choose a heavier weight during our time together. But, what is it that pushes you through your cardio or strength training on days that you just don't want to be there, or the lowest setting on the elliptical feels like your on your last leg of a marathon?

I had one of those days yesterday. I knew I was trouble 10 seconds into my workout on the AMT. Normally, I coach my clients (and myself) that I just need to get through that first 10 minutes, and I'll be good to go. But not on this particular day. 10 minutes into my workout, I just withered. Typically, finding a new song on my ipod (little Blackeyed Peas anyone?) will help me shake that feeling off. But not yesterday. My legs felt tired, so I tried powering through with the moveable arm handles. I had just finished beating up my chest and triceps, so they were no help at all. I had eaten a reasonable pre-workout snack (Kashi Trail Mix Cereal Bar) so that was no excuse. WHAT WAS MY PROBLEM??? I've had days like this before...I knew I was just going to have to own it and push through.

I started thinking about a particular person I train. She struggles with everyday living tasks like walking and putting on her shoes. I imagine every workout she does with me feels worse than any of my roughest workout days. Yet, every time I show up to train her, she is sitting at the table, tennis shoes on, smile on her face and ready to go to work. I must admit, sometimes it's hard for me to push her, but that's what I'm there for and that's what she wants me to do. She doesn't want anyone feeling sorry for her. She always gives it 110%. SHE OWNS IT, EVERYDAY!

So, I started thinking of this particular gal (she is my hero), and I thought to myself, "Suck it up, Terri! Don't be a cry baby! Yeah, your legs are tired, but you are ABLE to do this!" Drawing from that, I was able to finish my workout and hit my target heart rate goals as well as my calorie burn that I was looking for.

So, what is it that you think about when you're feeling challenged to make your workout happen? I'll tell you what you do.....YOU OWN IT! Just like my hero does everyday! You remind yourself of what your goals are for that particular workout (how about 45 minutes of cardio in your THR and 4 sets of 25 sit-ups and 25 push-ups!?!). You suck it up and go! You think of how great your going to feel after you walk out of that locker room, cleaned up and ready to take on the rest of your day, knowing that you invested the time in yourself to ensure your health and wellness.

It's moments like these that separate those that get mediocre results from a mediocre workout routine from those who get FANTASTIC results. So, for your next workout, I don't want you to "have" a great workout, I want you to "MAKE IT A GREAT WORKOUT"!

Ask yourself this:
Did I finish that last set easily?
Could I go up in weight and still hold good form?
Could I do one more set?...(picking up a 4th set is a great way to add a challenge)
Was my cardio workout too easy? (perhaps it's time to get off the elliptical you've grown so accustomed to and tackle the step mill!)
Am I eating right? (think lean protein with every meal, limiting starches to portion controlled whole grains, fruits, veggies, and lots of water)
Am I getting 7 hours of sleep per night? (this is NOT a luxury, skimpy on quality sleep ROBS your body of precious repair time, and keeps your body from producing the right hormones that keep your body YOUNG!)

Be Good to yourself. Make fitness your lifestyle.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Mix it Up!

Ever just feel like you don't want to work out? Maybe your slated to run today, but just can't find the energy. Or you can't stand one more minute on the elliptical (your cardio machine of choice for the past 500 workouts).

Try something different to shake things up! Try:
A new machine
Get outside find some hills to charge!
Run/walk a new path
Ask a friend to join you
Take a new class
Make a new music playlist (you'd be surprised how effective this is!)
Ask me for more ideas!!!

Need a quick meal that's ready for you when you get home? Check out this EASY recipe from hungry-girl.com:

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Keeping Workouts Fun and Engaging

We've spent the last four weeks learning two new workout routines. Now, that you've got some dynamic exercises mastered, it's time to mix it up and have some fun!

The next four weeks, we'll be changing up your workouts by adding more kettlebell exercises, some cardio blast segments, maybe even a little obstacle course!

Fabulous Food Found Locally: Some of you may have seen on the hungry girl website (www.hungry-girl.com), a delicious muffin called Vita Muffin Vita Tops. The healthy name may lead you to believe that it's doomed to be dry with a cardboard like texture. At least that's what I expected when I saw that they contained: 100 cal, 1.5 g. fat, 21 g. carb, 6g. fiber, and 3 g. protein (they're actually good for you).
I spotted these in the "healthy freezer section" at the back of the Target in Urbandale. Even though they were a little pricey, I must say they were worth it. YUM! Try it with a cup of skim milk and a hard boiled egg for a quick easy breakfast.

Other Fabulous Finds: Get yourself to the farmers market to find the most delicious, fresh fruits and vegetables. It's a great way to explore a new vegetable side dish. Not sure how to prepare something? Ask the people selling the items, they usually have great ideas, or hop on the internet and find a recipe you're willing to try!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Raspberries and Yogurt, YUM! SGPT Half Way Mark!

Hello All,

Try this for a delicious FILLING snack:

1/3 C. raspberries (you can find Archer Farms Organic Raspberries in the frozen section at Target for less than fresh raspberries. Berries are a smart organic buy because farmers use a lot of pesticides on berries)
1 carton Dannon Light and Fit Vanilla yogurt
6 walnut halves
dash of cinnamon

200 calories, 24 g. carbs, 10 g. fat (walnuts...healthy fats), 8 g. protein, 5 g. fiber

We are into our 4th week of Small Group Training. It's time to check in with our progress and assess our goals!

This week, on your first day of class for the week, let's plan on doing a weigh in, sit and reach test, push up test and your 1 mile timed cardio event (for most of you this will be a run or walk on the treadmill, some of you will be doing this on the bike or elliptical...the idea is to test to see if you can improve on your time from the first week). My Monday/Wednesday 3:45, 4:30 and 5:15 class will do this testing next Monday, since you missed class on Memorial Day Weekend.

Next week, we'll start some new workouts to keep it fun and interesting!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Proper nutrition is the key to any weight loss mission. The exercise is very important as well. The exercise will keep your heart strong (hey-it's the most important muscle in the body), the strength training will tone the muscles, help regulate blood sugar and increase your overall resting metabolic rate. It's the FOOD that is the most commonly overlooked factor in a weight loss strategy.

Food is very seductive. While we NEED food to nourish and replenish our bodies after a hard workout, a lot of us USE food. We us it to make us feel better after a hard day or to celebrate any and every occasion under the sun.

Today, I am asking you to stop and think about how food affects you. Do you let it control you? Do you fall prey to the instant gratification? What would happen if, for one day, you stuck to a clean eating plan even if you were "having a food day at work", "celebrating a co-worker's birthday", or "at a baby shower". How would you feel if you left that event having stuck to a good nutritional plan?

Monday, May 18, 2009



Check out the above link from Hungry-girl.com.

What you'll find is that a lot of salads that you order at your favorite restaurants have more fat than the entrees you were avoiding for the purpose of eating healthier. Your best options to keep the calories down: order light dressing on the side and dip your fork in it. The following are common salad ingredients that are higher in fat, not necessarily bad for you, but drive your total calorie count up quickly. Consider adding only one of these ingredients, skipping it, or asking for it on the side:

Avocados (heart healthy fat, a good one to keep!)
Any battered and fried meat (ask for GRILLED chicken or shrimp)
Black olives
Full fat salad dressings (some have as much fat as you should eat in a DAY!)
Taco salad shells
Beef taco meat

My favorite salad to order when eating out is the Fiesta Pollo Salad at Red Robin, I skip the cheese and do the dressing on the side. (It's not that the cheese is SO bad for you, but by cutting it, and having the dressing on the side, I'm confident that I'm saving at least 20 grams of fat).

Other healthy options that you might consider when dining out:

Grilled, baked, or broiled boneless, skinless chicken breast, turkey breast, shrimp, fish or scallops (ask for no sauce or a tomato based sauce)
Grilled veggies (ask for no fat added to the veggies)
Baked potato (easy on the condiments)
If you LOVE dessert, consider skipping the starchy carb with your dinner (such as bread, potato, pasta) and share and savor a few bites of your favorite dessert with a friend!